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Qualitative analysis in a sentence

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Sentence count:103+1Posted:2017-09-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: qualitativequalitativelyqualitative datastatistical analysisratio analysiscost-benefit analysisanalysismarginal analysisMeaning: n. the act of decomposing a substance into its constituent elements. 
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31. Then the formalized security proof of the protocol using BAN authentication logic, and the qualitative analysis about its computing complexity are given.
32. Combine energy technology of small arms, material technology with damage mechanism, the energy of fire assault equipment and working principle are judged by qualitative analysis.
33. Signed Digraph incarnates the coalescent modelling thought of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and the standardized modeling for a complex system can be realized by signed digraph.
34. Experiment on EMT system with impulse excitation has been done. At different object fields, the response curves of 8 coils are measured and the qualitative analysis was made.
35. Based on complex network theory, the qualitative analysis of the topology of NCW is carried out by establishing a four-tier gird diorama. Then we discovered that NCW has inherent scale-free feature.
36. A class of quintic Hamiltonian system with Z2-symmetry is considered. Using the methods of qualitative analysis, the global phase portraits are given.
37. The flavonoid components in Lonicera edulis fruit was proved by qualitative analysis experiment.
38. According to the characteristics of the subject, this paper uses the comparative analysis, the qualitative analysis, the reference analysis and systemic methodology.
39. The thesis confirms the importance and necessity of"elegance"in technical translation through qualitative analysis, and definitely proposes"elegance"as standards of technical translation.
40. Objective : To discuss the methods and application of qualitative analysis of urinary calculi.
41. Firstly, this paper scientifically divided the risk of non-performing asset securitization in system, so at to identify the risk of the mode with the qualitative analysis.
41. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
42. A certain amount of CaCO_3 was added in LDPE and the thin slices were obtained through extrusion. The qualitative analysis for the mixing effects of DMP is given through electronic scanning.
43. The qualitative analysis to 1000MW air cooling unit is also carried out for owners reference in determining the configuration mode of feed water pump.
44. In this paper, qualitative analysis of the influence and the design demand for xenon ion engine are discussed.
45. The lotus leaf fern Adiantum growth conditions of the study also stay in more qualitative analysis.
46. Simulate computation demonstrates that the result identical with qualitative analysis.
47. We researched mainly on Gate Turn-off Thyristor in qualitative analysis before.
48. With the application of metrological economic model and combined with qualitative analysis, thedevelpomental stages and life curve of China auto industry are compared and studied.
49. This paper has made a qualitative analysis and discussion for the cause of the variation of geocentric gravitational constant.
50. Based on the above qualitative analysis, it constructs an inventory optimizing model for manufacturer and storing company respectively, fingers out an optional result of the cost decision variable.
51. The results as following:The morphology of the solidified blast furnace slag bearing RE elements was studied by means of SEM observation with the help of EDX qualitative analysis and XRD analysis.
52. With qualitative analysis of the fault tree, all the minimal cut sets of the fault tree are obtained.
53. The peak of more overlapping peaks can be decomposed, and the statistical error is less. It has great reference value for quantitative or qualitative analysis of radio-nuclide.
54. Finally, it makes a qualitative analysis of the cost and income of the online securities trading.
55. Take a wide view each kind of local related research, The majority regards qualitative analysis principle.
56. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a assessing method which combines qualitative analysis with quantitive analysis.
57. The equivalent linearization method is widely used in nonlinear dynamics , especially for qualitative analysis.
58. Methods used were UV spectrophotometry for qualitative analysis and diphasic titration for quantitative analysis.
59. A scheme is proposed for the qualitative analysis of phases in the components of copper sludge when entrainment appears in cuprammonia wash for final purification.
60. The paper studied the relationship between water temperature and hooking rate of Thunnus obesus. GIS qualitative analysis and Numerical analysis were conducted.
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